About Us

A. P. Sanzgiri & Co. (APS & Co.) was foundedin February 1997 by Mr. Abhijit Sanzgiri, Mr. Mehul Shah and Mr. Satish Gupta. Over the years, APS & Co. has been growing steadily both in terms of size and the scope of its services, through its motivated and highly professional team.

Each of the partners of the firm provide personalized services to clients to partner their overall business strategies and successes. The team of APS & Co. comprises of professionals who blend their personal goals with the organization goals and thereby ensure high quality of services to clients.

APS & Co. has associated itself with other quality professionals from related fields such as lawyers, company secretaries, Information system auditors, cost accountants, excise and sales tax consultants etc. thereby giving a one stop destination for clients to address their queries


"Our mission is to provide a wide array of quality services through a team of highly motivated and skilled personnel and to turn our knowledge into value for the benefit of the clients"

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