About Us

A. P. Sanzgiri & Co. (APS & Co.) was foundedin February 1997 by Mr. Abhijit Sanzgiri, Mr. Mehul Shah and Mr. Satish Gupta. Over the years, APS & Co. has been growing steadily both in terms of size and the scope of its services, through its motivated and highly professional team.

Each of the partners of the firm provide personalized services to clients to partner their overall business strategies and successes. The team of APS & Co. comprises of professionals who blend their personal goals with the organization goals and thereby ensure high quality of services to clients.

APS & Co. has associated itself with other quality professionals from related fields such as lawyers, company secretaries, Information system auditors, cost accountants, excise and sales tax consultants etc.

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IMPORTANT DATES : > Return by persons with Unique Identification Number (UIN) like embassies etc to get refund under GST for goods and services purchased by them, for February . : 28/03/2025      > Deposit of TDS on payment made for purchase of property in February. : 30/03/2025      > Deposit of TDS u/s 194-IB @ 5% on total payment of Rent more than 50,000 pm by individual or HUF (not liable to tax audit) during FY 24-25, where lease has terminated in February (Else TDS is to be deposited on annual basis by 30 April of next year.) : 30/03/2025      > Deposit of TDS u/s 194M for February. : 30/03/2025      > Deposit of TDS on Virtual Digital Assets u/s 194S for February. : 30/03/2025      > Standalone Annual Report on Corporate Social Responsibility by Companies to whom CSR is applicable for FY 23-24. : 31/03/2025      > All companies & Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), with a turnover above Rs. 250 cr, involved in procurement from MSMEs are requirted to register on TReDS ((Trade Receivables Discounting System). This limit was 500 cr earlier. : 31/03/2025      > Calculation of Aggregate Turnover of F.Y. 24-25 for various compliances related to F.Y. 25-26 like for QRMP scheme, Composition scheme, E-invoice applicability etc. : 31/03/2025      > Updated ITR for AY 2022-23 with 50% of aggregate tax and interest payable. : 31/03/2025      > File Correction statements of FY 2007-08 to 2018-19, as wef 1 April, 2025, it is not allowed beyond 6 years from end of financial year in which due date falls. : 31/03/2025      > Quarter 4 – Board Meeting of All Companies : 31/03/2025      > Opt for Composition scheme for FY 2025-26. Existing ones are not required to apply again. : 31/03/2025      > Online Application for Letter of Undertaking (LUT) for Exports & Supplies to SEZ without payment of tax in FY 2025-26. : 31/03/2025      > For FY 25-26, GTA can change from Forward Charge mechanism to RCM or vice-versa by e-filing necessary declaration. : 31/03/2025      > File GSTR-9C for FY 17-18 to 22-23, to avail waiver of late fee from the date of filing of GSTR-9 for the relevant year. : 31/03/2025      > Registration as Input Service Distributor (ISD) is mandatory where taxable person has branches in different states and receives common input tax credit at HO. : 31/03/2025      > Payment of balance Advance Income Tax by ALL to save interest u/s 234B. : 31/03/2025      > Payment of life insurance premium, deposit of PPF etc. for saving tax of FY 24-25 under old regime. : 31/03/2025      > Uploading of Statement of foreign income offered to tax and tax deducted or paid on such income in previous year 2023-24, to claim foreign tax credit if ITR furnished within the time specified under section 139(1) or section 139(4). : 31/03/2025      > Pay Outstanding dues of Micro & Small Enterprises of FY 24-25 to avoid disallowance u/s 43B. No Relief of payment till due date of ITR. : 31/03/2025      > Payment of Equalization levy (Google Tax) charged on delivery of products or services through e-commerce during quarter ended March. : 31/03/2025      > Relief from interest and penalties for non-fraudulent GST demand notices issued u/s 73 if full tax amount is paid by March 31, 2025. Applicable for FY 2017-18, 2018-19 & 2019-20. : 31/03/2025      > Updated ITR for AY 2023-24 with 25% of aggregate tax and interest payable. : 31/03/2025     

Our Services

Our Team

Mr. Abhijit P. Sanzgiri

B. Com., F.C.A., LL.B.

Mr. Mehul Shah

Qualification: B. Com., F.C.A.

Mr. Satish Gupta

Qualification: B. Com., F.C.A.

Contact Us

Block No. 20, Unit No. 159, Anand Nagar Lane, Behind Vakola Police Station, Santacruz (East),                   Mumbai 400055. INDIA


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Work Time
Mon-Fri: 10:00AM - 7:00PM

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